St. Patrick’s Day is a fun and festive time for people of all ages. It’s an annual celebration of all things green, and at least for that one day of the year, we can all pretend to be just a little bit Irish. Unfortunately, for far too many American families, St. Patrick’s Day has ended in tragedy. It’s such a problem that one NBC affiliate has labelled it the “deadliest day of the year”.

Image Courtesy of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
On St. Patrick’s Day, between the years of 2009-2013, there were a total of 276 lives lost due to drunk driving. If you slow down and really think about those numbers, that’s an average of more than 55 deaths on a single day of the year due to just one cause (inebriation). That number is unacceptable.
This year, before you even leave your house, decide whether you plan to drink or if you would rather drive. You can’t do both; there is no exception to that rule. Moreover, you can be sure that you will encounter roadblocks while you’re out. Be sure that you’re prepared for that (license, registration, insurance policy should all be up-to-date).
When someone says that driving under the influence is going to cost you, they are talking about more than money. A DUI will cost you time, your reputation, and in the most tragic cases, your life.

Image Courtesy of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Take steps to protect yourself. Start by downloading the SafeRider app, a totally free service provided for you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. If you have an Android device, get it HERE. If you have an iPhone, get the app HERE. The app can help users call a taxi or a friend for a ride home, and help you identify your location so that you can be picked up. What a handy service to have when you’ve had too much to drink!
If you are the responsible type who has left your keys at home, be sure that the sober driver you have designated is honest about their intentions to keep you safe. Make sure they will be reliable and easy to contact when you’re ready to head home for the night. When they do pick you up, ask them to take the shortest route home, avoid making any unnecessary stops, and stay away from busy roadways. The less time you spend in your vehicle, the better. Remember that you may have taken all the necessary precautions, but you can’t say the same for everyone else who has decided to get behind the wheel.
What To Do If You Get Pulled Over While “Buzzed”
If you get pulled over, do not make the common mistake of saying that you only had X drinks and it was X hours ago. Even the most insignificant admission will be used against you. Everything that officer needs from you can be found on your license, registration, and insurance documentation. Say as little as possible, and do your best not to antagonize the officer who has pulled you over. Be courteous and quiet, and contact an attorney immediately.
If you have been charged with a DUI on St. Patrick’s Day or any other day of the year, contact the skilled and proven team at Coxwell & Associates, PLLC at (601) 948-1600 for a free case consultation.
Disclaimer: This blog is intended as general information purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.